Many years back, the only way to be able to sell your product was to advertise. Reach out to people through Television Commercials, Advertisements on papers. It was all, outbound, i.e. reaching out to people and getting them to take an action. Business over the years has changed considerably and the concept of Inbound has become bigger. Inbound happens when people come to your site, or you are given a list of users who are interested in your service. So there are two ways to collect leads for your business in Singapore. Different businesses need different type of customers. And there are different ways to generate leads in Singapore. You drive people through a blog post or have a platform where you collect people’s information and that is sold to other businesses. There is no one-way to go about it. Let’s see some of the ways leads are collected. You can do content marketing and get people interested in your content and get them to sign-up to your e-mail list and contact them from there. Another way is to cold-call directly by getting their information from a database. A very popular strategy is to build a landing page after users search on Google.
Novatise - Lead Generation Agency Singapore
This can come in many ways that is collecting e-mail information, phone numbers and company information. This is all done online.Lead Channels
The Process of B2B & B2C Leads Generation in Singapore
This is where we come in. Novatise as a company is obsessed in thinking of novel ways of getting leads for our customers. We would like you to think of us as one of the affordable lead generation company in Singapore. Our leads generation process includes sales leads as well. We have a customised leads generation process for every industry and every company. As there is no one size fits all. Companies differ in customers, size of ticket items and medium where their customers are present. Our leads generation process involves understand the industry and the kind of leads that is required by a particular business. Once we do that, we optimise our team to come up with a lead generation Singapore strategy and drive leads through a funnel, which will aim to give the maximum conversion. Novatise is also leading marketing agency in SEO, Pay per click and Social Media. We are generating B2B or B2C leads for companies especially in Singapore - we have an expertise in all marketing channels. There aren’t a lot of leads generation companies that are able to provide quality leads in this space, our lean and mean team of experts focus on the right channels for the kind of business that you are in.Full Suite Lead Gen Services Singapore
- Establish your online presence
- We plan, we execute, you get the leads
- Budget of more than S$5k/month
B2B Lead Generation
Business to business lead generation is the process of identifying your target audience by job title, company size and Industry and other parameters to create a list of leads who are most likely to engage with your services.How does Novatise generate leads for your business?
This is the process we follow
We filter the prospects by the Industry they are from
We go through Google, Yellow Pages, Singapore Directory
We get the prospects company name, email, Linkedin URL and Industry
We do the 3 layered verification for the emails that are found
All the contacts are neatly arranged in an excel sheet
All the leads are dedicated to your business
B2B Email Outreach for Lead Generation
- Email Marketing Strategy
- Identify the best Email outreach for conversion
- Handcrafted Email Outreach Writings
- Outreach to potential handcrafted Singapore business emails
Prospected Leads List
B2B Company Leads
- Handcrafted 100 Qualified Prospect Companies
- One Layer Search - Industry
- Delivered Monthly
- Find Company Name, Phone number, Email, URL and Industry
- Find prospects from Google, Yellow Pages, Singapore Directories and any other sites
- 3 layers of email verification before calling it qualified
- Excel template provided
- Exclusive distributed leads generated (Not a resell database)
B2B Individual Leads
- Handcrafted 50 Qualified Prospect Individuals
- Two Layer Search - Industry & Title
- Delivered Monthly
- Find Email, Full Name, Company Name, Phone number, URL, Industry and Title of Prospect
- Find prospects from LinkedIn, Angellist, Google and any other sites
- 3 layers of email verification before calling it qualified
- Excel template provided
- Exclusive distributed leads generated (Not a resell database)
- You Quote your needs,
- We Quote you a price.
Getting Leads that Convert
-For Qualified Prospect Company Search: Company Name, Generic Email, Industry, Company Address, Company Phone and Website will be provided. Contact Person Name and Job Title are provided only if available.
-For Qualified Prospect Individual Search: Name and Job Title, Direct Email, Company Name, Industry, Website, Company Address and Company Phone will be provided.
“Your time is better spent talking to prospects and not by researching them”
Get awesome sales from B2C & B2B Singapore leads generated by Novatise
Starts from $0.99/Lead*
So what your waiting for?
Talk to us and see how we can help your business to GENERATE MORE LEADS for sales conversion.
Lead Generation Services Singapore
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